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General Public Content

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma is neuropathic pain in the forefoot and is related to the interdigital nerve (Gougoulias, 2019). It commonly occurs between the second and third metatarsals (Zabaglo, 2020). It is associated with pressure distribution changes in the foot due to either a deformity or calf muscle tightness (Gougoulias, 2019).

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Swelling of the forefeet as a symptom of Morton's Neuroma
Professional Content

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma is neuropathic pain in the forefoot and is related to the interdigital nerve (Gougoulias, 2019). It commonly occurs between the second and third metatarsals (Zabaglo, 2020). It is associated with pressure distribution changes in the foot due to either a deformity or calf muscle tightness (Gougoulias, 2019).

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