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Biopsy sample of autoimmune hepatitis. Pink background with purple dots
Professional Content

Autoimmune Hepatitis

Author: Leah Farquharson Overview Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) is a rare and severe chronic inflammatory liver disease (Manns et al., 2015). AIH is usually due to genetic predisposition, may be triggered

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Professional Content

Alcoholic Hepatitis

Author: Leah Farquharson  Editor: Helia Mansouri Dana Overview Alcoholic hepatitis (AH) is the inflammation of the liver as a result of heavy alcohol use, resulting in the production of toxic

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CT scan of the intestine showing closed loop obstruction.
Professional Content

Intestinal Bowel Obstruction

Intestinal obstruction can be a mechanical or functional obstruction which can be found in either the small or large intestine (Smith, Kashyap, & Nehring, 2020). They account for  15% of hospital admission for acute abdominal pain in the USA (Catena et al., 2019), Small intestinal obstructions are more common (Schick, Kashyap, & Meseeha, 2020)  while large intestinal abstractions account only for 10-15% of all intestinal obstructions (Smith,  Kashyap & Nehring, 2020). Obstruction occurs when the lumen of the bowel becomes partially or completely blocked (Smith et al., 2020). This prevents the normal movement of chyme through the digestive system and can be a cause of morbidity and mortality (Catena et al., 2019).

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